We recommend the desexing of all male and female dogs and cats that are not intended for breeding purposes. For female dogs and cats spaying can be done from 5-6 months of age, if done prior to first their heat this can reduce the risk of mammary tumours later in life to almost zero. Spaying also prevents pyometra which is a life threatening infection of the uterus, it also limits wandering and unwanted pregnancies.

For male cats and small breeds of dogs castration can be done at 5-6 months this reduces aggression, wandering, reduces risk of prostatic enlargement and tumour later in life and also unwanted pregnancies. For male large and giant breeds of dogs it is recommended to wait until 12-18 months as it has been demonstrated that this may help to reduce the risk of cruciate rupture.

Desexing is a day procedure at the hospital, they need to be fasted overnight and admitted in the morning. Most dogs and cats will be a little bit sleepy and sore for a couple of days afterwards but they tend to bounce back quite quickly after the operation. Their sutures need to be kept dry and clean for 10 days and after their recheck visit most are fine to resume their normal activities.

If you have any other questions, please contact us